Steve Edan
(416) 801-6661
Frustrated by the leak in your shower???
Your walk-in shower or bathtub is leaking! We understand the frustration you are feeling. You’re afraid to use your shower or haven’t used it in a long time. Maybe, you have had plumbers, tilers & handymen come in to give recommendations, but none are giving you any options that make sense or hold water. You don’t want to fix the problem with the same installation method that is causing the current problem or may cause future problems. We can fix your shower and it will be 100% waterproof! We will also design it so you never have to worry about re-caulking. That’s right! Never have to worry about molding & peeling caulk!! NO MOLD ISSUES!
Here are 2 excellent videos and a great Fine Homebuilding article to help explain what happens to a shower on a daily basis and the traditional/old way of constructing a shower stall with a tiled floor. Cut and paste into browser, if links don't work.
Video below.
Video below-NO SOUND.
As you can see in the second video, the wall backing material is installed after the floor rubber pan installation. Which means another waterproofing system must now be installed. We use Schluter Waterproofing System in all of our shower rebuilds. We know that Schluter waterproofing membranes provide excellent waterproofing protection and peace-of-mind behind your shower walls and other tiled elements subject to moisture. This waterproofing process helps to ensure that your shower or bath surround is well-protected against water leakage, which can lead to damage to to surrounding materials and mold or mildew.
We exclusively use Schluter Systems Tile Uncoupling Membrane & Waterproofing Membrane
in all our tile and shower installations!
Schluter Sealed System vs Traditional System
Damaged Shower System Animation
Facts you should know about your Leaking Shower and its repair
Cracked grout or tiles are often the result of a leak that has gotten past the waterproof membrane and caused the wood subfloor to swell and expand, which causes the tile and substrate to crack. The crack is the result of a leak not the cause of the leak.
Replacing cracked grout with new grout and applying a water proof sealer will not solve the problem. The water will find it's way through to the liner. This is only a temporary solution at best.
Brush on water proof surface coatings will NOT stop leaks from the most common areas where leaks occur. This is where the wall and floor tiles have separated in the corner of your shower or the shower pan membrane has been compromised. Don't waste your money on these products. They don't work.
Detecting a leak can be a challenge. There is multiple areas where a leak can occur.
Even the best silicone and polyurethane sealants/caulking will go green and moldy. .
A sign that you have moisture behind your tile is rusty corner bead and bubbling paint on the outside corners of your shower. I used to think it was because of a leaky shower door, it’s not!
We are determined to help you expertly repair your shower!
Orchard View Blvd-Shower floor replacement
Water leaked into dining room ceiling. Floor had efflorescence, which left a white residue through the cracked grout joint to the left of the drain. We rebuilt the shower floor with Schluter products and managed to save the wall tiles. The home owner had 2 extra tiles which we used to rebuild the curb.
Creebridge Cres-Shower floor replacement
The shower on the left looks perfectly fine, but the pan liner leaked and water leaked into ceiling below. Original floor had cracked and heaved grout joint as result of water leak. Customer thought drain was leaking and tried to seal with caulk. Performed a water test to identify leak was caused by shower pan liner failure. Replaced with Schluter shower tray/drain, waterproofing & 2x2 tiles.
Mondavi Road-Tub surround replacement
Water leak into ceiling below-Shower wall was damaged by customer falling against it.
PROVA-MAT Waterproof Membrane, 12'"x 24" tiles, Schluter chrome tile edge profile & new Delta chrome tub/ shower faucet set.
Thornlea Rd-Shower floor replacement
Water leak into ceiling below-Original floor had cracked and heaved grout joint. Most likely as result of water leak. Customer had stopped using the shower for years. Replaced with Schluter shower tray/drain, waterproofing & 2x2 tiles. Customer wanted white grout on wall tile replacement to match floor colour.
Mill River Dr-Shower floor replacement
Shower had not been used in years. Several contractors called in to assess & quote on repair. We replaced rubber liner/drain and mud pan with Schluter shower tray/drain, waterproofing & 2x2 tiles.
EDAN HOME REPAIR & CONTRACTING - Phone: (416) 801-6661 - Email: